What to say about the game? Wonderful, great soundtrack, beautiful graphics and well-developed story. What about Ray? Nothing because I ♡ him. please fill me with hope for this new year by creating more things for stories and characters, because this year already has great news (Hazbin Hotel after 4 years will premiere and I will simply love it as I loved the pilot episode). Send me news if possible about this wonderful VN, much prosperity to you and your team and a belated happy new year. <3
So is Adrian a gnoll? Kris calls him a hyena but then calls him a canine when talking about the cologne which isn't possible. Even if he is a gnoll, a gnoll is canine not a hyena they just look like hyenas.
Another thing i find confusing is the shower before you choose what route you want. During it Kris=s first thinks or Ray and how he's been openly flirty which makes sence but then starts waxing lyrical about Maris has changed and started treating him differently. This could just be for readers not having a before or after example but for me Maris hasn't changed at all.
When you first move in he takes you to do the things you did before moving away. He shows no sexual intrest in guys at all, with Kris thinking he's 100% straight and even asking him if he has a girlfriend and Maris never mentioning any intrest in even trying to date a guy. Maris also encourages Kris to meet other guys. The only thing Maris does that could even hint at him being intrested in Kris is say ''i love you'' when he is black out drunk and on the verge of passing out. Which shouldn't really get much of a reaction, Kris thinks Maris is 100% straight and he hasn't shown any intrest in dating or even flirting with Kris. So him drunkenly saying ''i love you'' should just be brushed off as a love as a friend.
The way Kris starts thinking in the shower though i honestly exspected him to start re-enacting romeo and juliet. Maris, oh Maris, where for art thou Maris. Deny thy father and refuse thy name and be no longer of house pussy slayer but join me as house cock jockey.
Then Kris just ends it with'' and then i get a punks number''. The whole Maris and Adrian part of that scene is just wierd. Maris who shows no intrest at all gets alot of emphasis, but Adrian who has the 'love at first sight' fairy tale princess treatment is just brushed off.
I haven't done Maris's route so this isn't me commenting on if he's boyfriend material or even him as a character but is more how Kris reacts to whats happening. I Just find it very confusing.
Adrian as a redhead would look good, nice new picture of him. Also just noticed Ray's new redesign, hadn't noticed before. Looks quite good, just have to get used to his new face. Feels a bit rude not to return the favor when Ray takes care of the MC, like we could have given him a hand at the very least, feels selfish to leave him unattended...
I just looked into this and it appears to be some info I overlooked when exporting the game, sorry if it caused any confusion. If you ever want to kneo for sure if you're playing the correct version check the version number on the main menu!
What's the update to Maris sprite? I don't see it... Beyond Maris showing nipples on the outside of his tank top in the pecs area I don't see anything new... I mean no offense.
Really love it. I really like the characters and the story so far. It may look simple but this vn is definitely a recommendation. Looking forward for more Vajra
The public release of the newest Patreon build is scheduled for the 22nd! It's a bit later than I'd like myself but I want to have a consistent monthly release schedule from here on.
I'm confused, in the VN thumbnail Adrian has white hair (which looks amazing on him) but in the VN he has green hair? Does Adrian actually play guitar or bass? Because basses have 4 strings and are longer than guitars, which seems to be what Adrian has onstage.
Damn, this great! Plenty of laughs with some seriousness thrown in-between! I'm rather conflicted though on who to choose, feel like I need to know more about each character (not to mention the 3rd one that is yet to be seen). I'm conflicted over Maris being best friend (a go to stkic of mine) and fact hat I'm not one for body piercings. With Raymond canines seem like lifeblood for me (as lame as it is to be another among the throng of numbers of canine lovers), but not knowing enough about him right now is too unsettling, while he was nice, it felt like there was something being left out. Right now though I think regardless of personnel feelings around certain things, I may just do all routes anyways. I am also glad there is a picture of Kris as a CG to give idea what he looks like, but feel a bit let down that we can't see the whole body, the face especially, to determine just what species of feline he is (Felines are just as much a must to me as Canines!, I'm so generic! XD).
The next update is planned to feature a section of the day where you get to spend some extra time with Ray before meeting the 3rd character, so by the time you're made to choose a route you'd know all 3 characters equally.
Regarding the main character, CG's showing off his face and body are planned, as well as a little reveal into his species coming soon!
The "3 in one shampoo, body wash and conditioner? HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE FUR! Now I know for sure he's straight" had me bursting out laughing, I'm already so in love with this game ksksksk
The art is so cool and the story unfolds pretty nicely, even the jokes are good!! ("First Fantasy 14", are you kidding me? That's genius.) I'm so excited to see this VN's development... (I also hope you don't overwork yourself, working on a project and studying sounds hard lol)
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What to say about the game? Wonderful, great soundtrack, beautiful graphics and well-developed story. What about Ray? Nothing because I ♡ him. please fill me with hope for this new year by creating more things for stories and characters, because this year already has great news (Hazbin Hotel after 4 years will premiere and I will simply love it as I loved the pilot episode). Send me news if possible about this wonderful VN, much prosperity to you and your team and a belated happy new year. <3
Hope you're doing ok, Vajra.
Dammn please don't be dead game : /
i love this game so much
I hope this vn isn't dead. I really enjoy this vn
Another horror VN that also happens to be a slice of life wth a scalie character? Sign me up please~
Seems good qwq
Have a nice day!! or night?!
I see ya mate, I love it here xD
I love love loveeee the Bayonetta references 🙊

Hehe I was really into the games when I wrote this ^^
So is Adrian a gnoll? Kris calls him a hyena but then calls him a canine when talking about the cologne which isn't possible. Even if he is a gnoll, a gnoll is canine not a hyena they just look like hyenas.
Another thing i find confusing is the shower before you choose what route you want. During it Kris=s first thinks or Ray and how he's been openly flirty which makes sence but then starts waxing lyrical about Maris has changed and started treating him differently. This could just be for readers not having a before or after example but for me Maris hasn't changed at all.
When you first move in he takes you to do the things you did before moving away. He shows no sexual intrest in guys at all, with Kris thinking he's 100% straight and even asking him if he has a girlfriend and Maris never mentioning any intrest in even trying to date a guy. Maris also encourages Kris to meet other guys. The only thing Maris does that could even hint at him being intrested in Kris is say ''i love you'' when he is black out drunk and on the verge of passing out. Which shouldn't really get much of a reaction, Kris thinks Maris is 100% straight and he hasn't shown any intrest in dating or even flirting with Kris. So him drunkenly saying ''i love you'' should just be brushed off as a love as a friend.
The way Kris starts thinking in the shower though i honestly exspected him to start re-enacting romeo and juliet. Maris, oh Maris, where for art thou Maris. Deny thy father and refuse thy name and be no longer of house pussy slayer but join me as house cock jockey.
Then Kris just ends it with'' and then i get a punks number''. The whole Maris and Adrian part of that scene is just wierd. Maris who shows no intrest at all gets alot of emphasis, but Adrian who has the 'love at first sight' fairy tale princess treatment is just brushed off.
I haven't done Maris's route so this isn't me commenting on if he's boyfriend material or even him as a character but is more how Kris reacts to whats happening. I Just find it very confusing.
I can't wait to continue update it game , I love it game story !
Just noticed that Maris' tongue is black. Why is that so? Just curious to know...
Still it looks hot😅
Estou ansioso para o novo projeto 👍👍👍👍
You dare trick me with another cliffhanger and hiatus!? Your new VN better have big chonky guys!
heads-up, you didn’t tag the pc build as playable on linux
Love this story, especially what a goof his best friend gator is.
Just played the new update, I love Adrian and if anyone hurts him, I will turn them into human sushi.
Can you add a hide button for the android version can't see anything under the ui
AUUUUUGGHH! waiting for big gator update be like
Adrian as a redhead would look good, nice new picture of him. Also just noticed Ray's new redesign, hadn't noticed before. Looks quite good, just have to get used to his new face. Feels a bit rude not to return the favor when Ray takes care of the MC, like we could have given him a hand at the very least, feels selfish to leave him unattended...
Ray is absolute husband material, and no one can change my mind.
When will there be an update in the public versjion
In a month it seems
damn, the new thumbnail rocks!
Why is the game I download always says 0.1 in info
I just looked into this and it appears to be some info I overlooked when exporting the game, sorry if it caused any confusion. If you ever want to kneo for sure if you're playing the correct version check the version number on the main menu!
thanks ^_^
I can't wait to spend time with three sexy boys: Adrian, Maris and Ray ❤
Oh yes! Looking forward to have a date with Adrian. Thank you!
I'm so sorry, I had overlooked that haha, I've fixed it immediately! Thank you for pointing it out
What's the update to Maris sprite? I don't see it... Beyond Maris showing nipples on the outside of his tank top in the pecs area I don't see anything new... I mean no offense.
I've updated the shading for the sprites, instead of simple cell shading they're now fully rendered!
Well, I virtually didn't understood anything of what you said... But, okay?
I'm already a Maris simp
Really love it. I really like the characters and the story so far. It may look simple but this vn is definitely a recommendation. Looking forward for more Vajra
when the update will be release Vajra
The public release of the newest Patreon build is scheduled for the 22nd! It's a bit later than I'd like myself but I want to have a consistent monthly release schedule from here on.
Not at the moment, because I don't feel like the playerbase for it isn't big enough to warrant a server, but I will consider one for the future.
Hi, the MC is a human ?
No he's a feline, lynx I believe?
good game when is the next version
The newest update will be out on Patreon in a couple of hours, so the public release of the next version should be on November 22nd !
Please don't take this the wrong way but, this VN is still alive and in progress right?
yes! The newest update just came out, and I'm actively working on it!
That's great to hear, I'm excited to read a VN that's set in a country that doesn't get alot of attention in most media, have a great day!
I'm confused, in the VN thumbnail Adrian has white hair (which looks amazing on him) but in the VN he has green hair? Does Adrian actually play guitar or bass? Because basses have 4 strings and are longer than guitars, which seems to be what Adrian has onstage.
bruh you’re right
oh no i knew i overlooked something! I had the design changed recently, and I forgot to update the main art, thank you for pointing it out ^^'
Awww... The white hair looks so much better than green...
Damn, this great! Plenty of laughs with some seriousness thrown in-between! I'm rather conflicted though on who to choose, feel like I need to know more about each character (not to mention the 3rd one that is yet to be seen). I'm conflicted over Maris being best friend (a go to stkic of mine) and fact hat I'm not one for body piercings. With Raymond canines seem like lifeblood for me (as lame as it is to be another among the throng of numbers of canine lovers), but not knowing enough about him right now is too unsettling, while he was nice, it felt like there was something being left out. Right now though I think regardless of personnel feelings around certain things, I may just do all routes anyways. I am also glad there is a picture of Kris as a CG to give idea what he looks like, but feel a bit let down that we can't see the whole body, the face especially, to determine just what species of feline he is (Felines are just as much a must to me as Canines!, I'm so generic! XD).
I'm glad you're enjoying the VN!
The next update is planned to feature a section of the day where you get to spend some extra time with Ray before meeting the 3rd character, so by the time you're made to choose a route you'd know all 3 characters equally.
Regarding the main character, CG's showing off his face and body are planned, as well as a little reveal into his species coming soon!
finally got around to reading through it, I enjoy the big tittie man
The "3 in one shampoo, body wash and conditioner? HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE FUR! Now I know for sure he's straight" had me bursting out laughing, I'm already so in love with this game ksksksk
The art is so cool and the story unfolds pretty nicely, even the jokes are good!! ("First Fantasy 14", are you kidding me? That's genius.) I'm so excited to see this VN's development... (I also hope you don't overwork yourself, working on a project and studying sounds hard lol)
Latvia is a setting not seen much in VNs, I am intrigued
Raymond definitely seems interesting, cant wait to see more content involving him!